Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference

Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference

The exploration into the truth of man's activities is unique, intriguing, and provocative. From a new perspective, one quickly grasps the levels of truth expressed by the media, the arts, writers, painters, architecture, movies, TV, politics, and war, as well as academia and the greatest thinkers and philosophers through the ages. With this book's explanations, it becomes apparent why the human mind, unaided, has been intrinsically incapable of discerning truth from falsehood.

Title : Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference
Edition Language : English
ISBN : 9780971500730
Format Type :

    Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference Reviews

  • Mihai Cotea

    Cel de-al patrulea volum al colecției David Hawkins, Adevăr versus falsitate – Cum le putem diferenția, a apărut în 2008, tradus în limba română la editura Cartea Daath. Spre deosebire de pr...

  • Jennie Chen

    I enjoyed reading about the author's perspectives on truth vs. falsehood in human perception of reality (section I) far more than the later examples/calibrations about politics and society. My biggest...

  • Francis Shaw

    It is an interesting read but it feels like another version of the author's Power vs Force work with more data and examples. Consequently, I found the first two thirds of the book a little less intere...

  • Joseph Knecht

    Building on the previous 3 books, Hawkins continues to expound the Truth but this time with a more practical approach. This 4th book of the series contains thousands of calibrations of religions, art,...

  • Marc

    There is some great information in this book. ...

  • Jared Walker

    Great read. Writing is very technical, but I enjoyed it. ...

  • Leigh J.

    Nonsense. Just opinionated nonsense. Cishet white male hubris. Quite sad, as Power vs. Force and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness are so profound in comparison. ...

  • Mukasa Timothy

    I know am gona be challeged because every one who has read it before is just talking about it....

  • J

    I'm fascinated with his idea, results and discussion. But it's hard to accept without doing it myself and reproducing the results. I haven't done that yet. And yes, I'm familiar with what he says abou...

  • Javier Villar

    This review is being written with the perspective of three years since the book was read (2016-2019). And from that perspective, the reader can say that having read it is foremost a blessing. The info...