Dark When it Gets Dark

Dark When it Gets Dark

Yves Olade’s lyrical prowess is apparent in Dark When It Gets Dark—a brooding and atmospheric series of poems filled with longing, the slow heart of desire and big silences. A must read. —N.L.SHOMPOLE

Yves Olade on Dark When It Gets Dark— is about desire, about gentleness and grief. The poems think in colors, in shapes, in moods. The collection also speaks to something of honesty, of truth, to the absence of duplicity. What would it mean for something to just be what it was, and nothing else? What if a storm is just a storm, and nothing else? What if it's finally dark when it gets dark?

2020 KINGDOMS IN THE WILD POETRY PRIZE WINNER: YVES OLADE is an ancient history graduate and insomniac who lives on the south coast of England. He's been featured in Kingdoms in the Wild, Glass, The Ellis Review, and the Rising Phoenix Review. He recently became a runner up in the What Are Birds? Transpoetics prize. An avid documentary fan, he loves mobile games, evenings & lemonade. He self-published two chapbooks called Bloodsport (2017) and Slaughterhouse (2020).

Title : Dark When it Gets Dark
Edition Language : English
ISBN : 9781733181
Format Type :

    Dark When it Gets Dark Reviews

  • Atri

    SYMPTOMThe remedy for pain is always more pain.There’s a logic in that. The waythe radio plays that old song to remind you of autumn. It takes you back. How memory makes everything worse.That August...

  • Jonfaith

    Time has its own axis, turning out of joint.Things come around on their own.Or they don’t. And nothing lasts forever, after all.This collection is one of wounds and ampersands. The former are bullet...

  • rosalind

    271120: shoutout to Lydia & Kingdoms in the Wild Press for providing me with an arc of this! rtc sometime this weekend281120: like most collections, somewhat uneven, but also like most collections, th...

  • Anjanette Gile

    In "Dark When it Gets Dark", Yves Olade beautifully both works in abstracts and deeply grounded imagery as he constructs and deconstructs the terrors of desire through his memory. In the first pieces ...

  • Kamila Kunda

    I got the slim collection of poems “Dark When It Gets Dark” by British Nigerian poet Yves Olade from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This is the first time in my life I agreed to d...

  • Anahiz

    I absolutely loved this collection of poetry. After first flipping through the pages, I was immediately struck by the unique formatting of the poems. The first two poems, "Lagos Winter I" and "Lagos W...

  • Izzie

    ***Thank you to Kingdoms in the Wild team for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!***The poetry ended right as I wanted to read more! My favorite poems were "Savage" & "Symptom" -- I'll definitel...

  • Kristin

    Thanks so much to Lydia and Kingdoms in the Wild for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This brief collection of poems by Yves Olade is a beautiful swirl of blue, red, and blac...

  • Carolyn

    I've been reading and rereading this book all month now and I'm finally ready to talk to you about it.The publishers liked my review of Emily Skaja's Brute (which looking back is pretty short and swee...

  • eindra lin

    what a collection! some good, some great, some thorough confusion but enjoyable enough to keep me along for the ride. the intermixing, inseparability of violence and grief and desire couldn't help but...